News & Articles

Welcome to our news on new features and tips in ERPNext, frappe and business in general

Security Alert: ERPNext Item table available publicly - Cover Image
About ERPNext
Security Alert: ERPNext Item table available publicly

A medium severity bug has been found affecting public data availability of all ERPNext Item tables

How to ensure only one local backup is kept by a frappe site - Cover Image
Tips & Tricks
How to ensure only one local backup is kept by a frappe site

You might have noticed that even when you set a frappe site to keep 1 backup in System Settings, that 2 are kept. There is a quick fix for this.

Dynamically modify a form field property in frappe - Cover Image
Tips & Tricks
Dynamically modify a form field property in frappe

A quick tip on how to dynamically modify a frappe property, like the description of a field, for displaying dynamic information

ERPNext Cloud Hosting Launch - Cover Image
UK Business
ERPNext Cloud Hosting Launch

CaseSolved is proud to announce the launch of their cloud hosting platform for ERPNext and frappe apps

ERPNext: How to copy & paste - Cover Image
Tips & Tricks
ERPNext: How to copy & paste

Need to quickly import or duplicate line items in a Sales Order or any other document? Try this copy and paste shortcut!

How-to add billing contacts to your Sales Invoice CC field in ERPNext - Cover Image
Tips & Tricks
How-to add billing contacts to your Sales Invoice CC field in ERPNext

Here's a quick tips and tricks guide on how to add your billing contacts to the CC field of a Sales Invoice using `get_email_recipients`

Quickfile replaces Plaid in ERPNext Bank Sync - Cover Image
New Features
Quickfile replaces Plaid in ERPNext Bank Sync

Plaid are removing their free access to your own bank transactions, so we've done an extensive search to find a replacement in the UK... and found Quickfile!

ERPNext Naming Series - Batch & Serial Numbers - Cover Image
Tips & Tricks
ERPNext Naming Series - Batch & Serial Numbers

Naming of batch and serial numbers within ERPNext is a bit of a mystery. Here's what you can do!

How-to make part of an ERPNext document editable - Cover Image
Tips & Tricks
How-to make part of an ERPNext document editable

Have you wondered how the field-level document permissions work in ERPNext? Look no further...

Virtual Machine released! - Cover Image
New Features
Virtual Machine released!

Do you need to archive ERPNext but still want access to your records? Maybe you want to trial ERPNext for longer than 14 days, or develop a frappe app on your laptop.

HMRC Making Tax Digital for VAT Released! - Cover Image
New Features
HMRC Making Tax Digital for VAT Released!

We're excited to release the new and fully flexible HMRC VAT Return feature. This really puts ERPNext on the UK map!

Do I need to pay the ICO fee? - Cover Image
UK Business
Do I need to pay the ICO fee?

You're a UK business and you think you need to pay the ICO a fee or be fined £4000? In reality, you're probably exempt.

ERPNext vs SAP, NAV, Odoo, Netsuite, Quickbooks and more - Cover Image
About ERPNext
ERPNext vs SAP, NAV, Odoo, Netsuite, Quickbooks and more

Comparing ERPNext against the competition for your business? The ERPNext Foundation have done the job for you!

Why ERPNext? - Cover Image
About ERPNext
Why ERPNext?

This ERPNext Foundation video explains why you should use their ERP software for your accounts and business.